
Becquerel UI

Ripples are visual representations used to communicate the status of a component or interactive element. A ripple overlay signifies a pressed state. It can be applied to an entire component or elements within a component, or as a circular shape over part of the component. You can apply a ripple effect on virtually any element by adding the v-ripple directive to it. Some of our components, such as btn, text-field and dropdown utilize the ripple directive out of the box. We also have a special component, called line-ripple that you can use when developing your own components that need visual feedback upon user interaction

Brandcompete's UI library for Vue, based on TailwindCSS. We have a growing collection of ready to use UI, forms and layout components, directives and plenty of helpers

The UI library of brandcompete for Vue, based on Tailwind. We have a growing collection of ready to use ui, forms and layout components, directives and plenty of helpers. This website has been built with the library itself and you can use it as a complete reference, starting here. Bookmark our release notes page to stay informed of what's new

ripple, material design ink ripple, ink ripple, directive, ripple directive